Low Carb Sweeteners for Dieters

Beautiful Berry

Do you want to know where to find low carb sweeteners? Unluckily, all kinds of sugars have very high carb content and there is no way that you can find any sugar that will best suit those people who want to lose weight. Actually, sugar is known to contain the highest carb content which is why all weight loss experts such as Dr Jonny Bowden will recommend dieters to avoid this. See Dr Jonny Bowden’s diet reviews here.

Why Sugars should be Avoided by Dieters

1. First of all, white granulated sugar contains 100g of carbohydrate without any amount of fiber in 100g of sugar. Therefore, it is completely made of pure carb.

2. For the brown sugar, it contains 98g of carbohydrates per 100g. It has a very slight difference from the white sugar.

3. Maple sugar contains over 90g of carbohydrates per 100g. It has a very small difference with the first 2 kinds of sugars but still has very high carb content.

4. Honey has over 82g of carb content per 100g.

5. Maple syrup contains 67g of carb content per 100g.

6. Most people think that Fructose is a good substitute for sugar because it is refined from fruits along with some grains. For those who are thinking that it is low in carbs, you are wrong. It has over 76g of carb content per 100g and it even has no fiber. Other that this, lactose, glucose,  maltose and dextrose are all high in carbohydrates.

Low Carb Sweeteners as Sugar Substitute

If you are one of those people who are looking for a good substitute for sugar to avoid that amount of carbohydrates that most sugars have, here are some low carb sugar substitute sweeteners that will definitely suit you.

1. There are natural plant extracts that you can find which are great substitutes for sugar. One of the most popular kinds is the Stevia. There are products that contain this natural plant extract such as PureVia and Truvia. Stevia is known to contain zero amount of carb.

2. Another good substitute for sugar is sugar alcohols. These are commonly used as natural sweeteners. They may contain calories and carbs but the amount is half the carb content of sugars have.

3. Aspartame is widely known these days and it can usually found in diet sodas.

4. Sucralose is commonly used in baking low carb foods.

Important Reminders

Since these are some great substitutes for sugar, you shouldn’t immediately buy and use them. You should know if there are safe and suitable for you first by consulting a doctor. Other than gaining weight, anybody doesn’t want to receive illnesses because of taking anything that you haven’t fully studied yet.

Just to be sure, check if it is approved by the FDA first after seeking a doctor and knowing if it is safe for you. If it has been approved by the FDA, it means that it is safe for humans to eat. Following these simple tips will avoid any kind of undesirable results in the future.

7 thoughts on “Low Carb Sweeteners for Dieters

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  2. Regan Plunke

    Xylitol gum is good but you must take care not to use too much, or diarrhea may be the result! As I know from my own experience!

  3. Amber

    Thanks for the good writeup. I am not sure about fasting. A lot of people recommend it but for me it just seems to make me eat a lot of bad stuff. Also I get very low energy.

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